Soar Scribe with MojoCoach™

Your unique MojoCoach™ AI assistant is specifically trained to help you integrate motivation science into your coaching practice and help your clients experience BOTH high performance and a sense of thriving.

Motivation is at the heart of everything we do, and everything we don't.

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MojoCoach™ Insights

Let our MojoCoach™ AI assistant help you become a more efficient coach to improve your skills in each step of the Motivation Matters™ for You debrief session with rationale and informative feedback.

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Helpful Data to Elevate Your Coaching

Our MojoCoach™ AI assistant is an expert on the science of motivation and can give you tailored feedback to create choice, deepen connection, and build competence 

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Works Everywhere

Bring your AI assistant to every video call you are on, across all major video conferencing platforms, whether you’re the host or a guest. Compatable with Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet

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Set It and Forget It

With full calendar integration, you can ensure that your AI assistant joins every meeting without having to remember each time.

Get started today

Create a free account and be a better coach today!