Upgrade your Sales Training with AI

Get key insights, summaries, and self improvement metrics to reinforce important professional sales techniques you learned in your Sandler training.

Sales header@3x

AI Meeting Insights

Get instant access to call recording, transcription, AI summary, and insights from every call. Never lose focus on your calls again. Let AI automatically track key points and action items. 

Scribe ai insights@3x

Self Coaching

Take improvement into their own hands. Set goals and see how you are doing over time. 

Sales ai@3x

Works Everywhere

Bring your AI assistant to every video call you are on, whether you’re the host or a guest.

Scribe video connections@3x

Set It and Forget It

With full calendar integration, you can ensure that your AI assistant joins every meeting without having to remember each time.

Scribe calendar@3x
Get started today

Create a free account and unleash your meeting super powers today!